Platinum Properties International, Inc.
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Marijke Vandervennet  Realtor
 786- 301-9584

Marijke Vandervennet is a Belgium born real estate agent that has been living and working in Miami Beach for over 20 years. In addition to being an accomplished real estate agent, she is also a skilled owner rep with a long record of success overseeing all phases of multimillion-dollar construction/renovations for private-sector clients. Working primarily South of Fifth, Miami Beach has prepared her to provide White glove service to all her real estate clients and customers.  To Say That “Marijke knows Miami Beach” is an understatement. She specializes in the sale of new existing homes in the most desirable luxury neighborhoods, including the Miami Islands, South of Fifth Coconut Grove, and Brickell.  Close to her heart is helping the homeless and in 2019 she was awarded an Emmy Nomination for her work on the Lotus House documentary.  Marijke Vandervennet is energetic, unforgettable, and dedicated to fulfilling your real estate needs. Marijke Vandervennet speaks fluent English, Flemish/Dutch and conversational French.

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